Just another Groundhog Day – or year?

Groundhog day/year – continuously experiencing the same type of trends or situations over and over.
Another year for many SHEQ management cycles is coming to an end and it is time to reflect back on your performance over the past cycle – this performance reflection so often makes SHEQ practitioners realise that they were caught up in “just another groundhog year”.
The same type of statistical indicators are continuously reported: issues of SHEQ cultural entrenchment, internal ownership of responsibilities, meagre management support, lack of skills and competencies, poor contractor performance, etc. are continuously addressed – day-after-day, week-after-week, month-after-month, year-after-year !
The audience of these messages is actually becoming complacent, bored and – in some extreme cases – disinterested in our message. No one can argue that the message is important – people and the environment are the lifeblood of any organisation – but how do we get the drivers of the business strategy, organisational sustainability and production to buy into our message again?
You, as SHEQ specialist, have a choice to make – are you going to continue to drive SHEQ requirements and performance through control and command strategies? Or, are you going to change direction, actually start managing SHEQ requirements to increase your current performance levels, change the message you are spreading and increase cultural entrenchment and management support in your organisation?
SHEQ specialists must learn to adopt new ideas and styles of leadership and management to ensure SHEQ is functioning at an optimum level in our daily operations and also within the strategic framework of our organisations.
We must acquire a better understanding of the language of business management and the organisation. We must also entrench our principles and requirements within business process models that drive production. We must stop being afraid to lose our SHEQ identity as it becomes an integrated foundation in the values and culture of the business.
Strategic planning for SHEQ management systems needs to be evolved into the strategic plans for the business. This will ensure benefits over and above fewer incidents. Accidents and pollution events can be quantified for triple bottom line reporting. Support and buy-in from various levels of management structures will be enhanced. Individuals will realise they are excelling in their respective functional and directional fields without having SHEQ requirements as that mandatory add-on.
Start driving the management philosophy of continual improvement; adopt analytical and lateral thinking; accumulate knowledge of business process architecture; understand the business language of your various departments; restore intrinsic pride and joy in your organisation; ask the critical questions; have a new outlook on your processes and procedures; leave the mundane behind and bring vision, credibility, collaboration, acceptance and action-orientated achievement back to your performance.
Start engaging internally for business SHEQ strategic planning to ensure all members of your organisation are working towards a common goal. During this process assess and adjust the organisation’s direction to suit a changing business environment.
Your strategies are only accepted and driven by role players in the organisation if they support their business objectives. Our team can assist you to produce innovate processes, decisions and actions to shape and guide SHEQ responsibilities towards increased SHEQ performance, within a sustainable business model.
Through implementation of business-orientated SHEQ strategic plans we can assist you to be relevant and adaptive towards the needs of management and system implementers, while driving compliance and system requirements.
Let us help you stimulate forward thinking and clarify integrated overall direction in your organisation, solve major problems confronting your company, build teamwork and expertise and improve performance and influence.