Integrated SHERQ software a hit

IsoMetrix is the latest generation agile web based integrated Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) Management system software application from Metrix Software Solutions.
IsoMetrix is the latest generation agile web based integrated Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) Management system software application from Metrix Software Solutions.
The software effectively integrates the different, health, safety, environmental and quality processes in a dynamic, flexible and systematic way, thus creating an effective integrated management system solution.
IsoMetrix assists businesses to gather, manage and share relevant SHERQ information and report on performance in line with specific requirements. It also helps organisations drive compliance with international management system standards and guidelines such as ISO 9001, 14001, 31000, 22000, OHSAS 18001 and SANS 3000 and many more.
Paul de Kock, MD of Metrix Software Solutions, says that the company attends NOSHCON annually as it provides a forum where people can talk about new methodologies, new technologies and new trends in terms of SHERQ management.
“IsoMetrix is the leading provider of SHERQ software in Southern Africa and a large majority of our clients attend NOSCHCON,” says De Kock. “The Conference also provides an opportunity for existing clients to talk to potential ones.”
Although IsoMetrix is supplied with a comprehensive set of SHEQ related modules, the IsoMetrix E-Modules platform delivers a new self-service model for IT that allows for maximum flexibility in functionality design.
Through the creation of modules and reports, IsoMetrix can grow and evolve over time as an organisation’s requirements develop and evolve.