Category:SHEQ Issue 4 2017
More than you expect
A safety shoe is a safety shoe – no more, no less… Not quite, it can be so much more.
Who is accountable for your risk?
HOPE KIWEKETE discusses how risk stewardship drives risk accountability
Biometric authentication: the new software security approach
More industries are adopting cloud-based software to improve data management and productivity, but ensuring data is secure remains a challenge. MARISKA MORRIS reports
Scrutinizing the South African healthcare system
The recently released Lancet Healthcare Access and Quality (HAQ) Index shines light on South Africa’s healthcare system. ANLERIE DE WET takes a look at...
Preventing slips and falls
Falls caused by slipping on a wet floor could easily result in an employee getting hurt and missing numerous workdays. Thankfully, there are some...
Building a green world
The construction industry has joined the international call to go “green”. ANLERIE DE WET looks at the rise of different eco-friendly building materials and...
New and improved standards for hand protection
The personal protective equipment industry is attempting to standardise international standards for hand protection using new testing methods and ratings. MARISKA MORRIS reports
Changing behavior is not enough
It is not enough to change the behaviour of employees; companies should also change the belief systems around safety. MARISKA MORRIS learns more from...