A SHEQ solution for companies of all sizes

A tailor-made SHEQ system that has proved itself internationally is now available in southern Africa, thanks to a partnership agreement between Integrated Health & Safety Solutions (IHSS) and Canadian-based Intelex Technologies.
A tailor-made system that will save time and money by offering modularised environmental, health, safety, quality and integrated management solutions to small, medium and large enterprises is now available in southern Africa.
A more sophisticated service offering utilises a comprehensive software solution that assists companies to optimise the management of essential business processes within a centralised, web-based portal.
A smaller organisation, on the other hand, may choose from the suite of IHSS services on offer, with the option of individual modules included in the main software package.
Bottom line: companies will save time by freeing up man-hours, while ensuring accuracy and compliancy.
Intelex flexibility will build better businesses
One of the key differentiators in IHSS offerings is undeniably the Intelex software, a revolutionary approach to SHEQ programme monitoring and development.
Intelex, however, is not just another safety software package, but a complete business solution that assist companies in improving their productivity, compliance and sustainability through applications like document control, risk and incident management, meeting management and operational controls.
Organisations do not need to change the way they operate to fit the system – instead the system fits the organisation. Through its almost unlimited configurability, the system can be compiled to suit any current system, in any market, and on any maturity level.
Cost effective and maximum results
Clients can choose from existing suites or make use of an extensive library of single applications to fit the company’s needs. This means paying only for applications that add value, rather than being stuck with off-the-shelf software with limited or zero configurability.
A proven track record
A division of chrome producer ChromTech Holdings, IHSS, was created after the chrome producer utilised Intelex’s software management tool to obtain full ISO and OSHAS accreditation within a record eight months.
Approached by other companies to assist them with setting up their own SHEQ programmes, ChromTech launched IHSS, which specialises in the assistance and support of businesses to ensure better business practice and legal compliance, through diverse of services ranging from auditing, SHEQ system design and implementation to guidance and support.
To date, more than 12 companies are making use of IHSS, including Grindrod, Oreport, Waterfall Chrome Services, Chronmin and Crocodile Chrome.
For more information on our products and services contact: chromtech@chromtech.co.za
Tel. +27 11 233 7400 Fax +27 11 233 7401
www.chromtech.co.za / www.intelex.com